Fucks on Twitter

Not necessarily LGBTQ+ themed, but I feel like there is some sort of connection between having the courage to live as your authentic self and saying the word "fuck" alot. Something about realness or honesty or freedom, maybe? Feel free to disagree.

I really just want an excuse to share this (cause I am still extremely amused). For pure entertainment, I decided to look at variations of the word "fuck" on Twitter. I had about 3 months of U.S. Tweets from the Twitter public streaming API. I used a simple regular expression to pull out and save all the words containing "fuck". It wasn't perfect, it didn't capture fucks containing special characters for example, but for funsies it was juuuust fiiinne.

The results turned out to be way more magical than I could've ever imagined! The file came back with nearly 30,000 different variations of "fuck"!!!! Yea, it's Twitter, there is an overwhelming amount of filth and offensive things.... but if you look past that, you can see how creative and hilarious we are as people!! Some of my personal favorites:


Feel free to download and browse all 29,892 different fucks here!:

Hopefully you are as easily amused as I am! Again, if you aren't familiar with Twitter, it can be both disgusting and beautiful at the same time... if you are easily scandalized, just don't đŸ™‚

Data Deets:

  • Pulled the fucks from Tweet text, after stripping out special characters, @mentions, and URLs. It still gets the text from hashtags, which allows us to capture sentence-long gems like "troyewhatthefuckareyoudoingtellmewhatishappeningbeforeipunchyouinyourdickyousneakyshit"
  • Code was literally these 3 lines in R. Feel free to extract the variations of fuck in your life! Or I guess you could modify to look at appropriate words too, if that is more your speed...

ftweets$matches <- str_extract_all(ftweets$dtext, "[:space:]?[A-Za-z]*[fF][uU][cC][kK][A-Za-z]*[:space:]?")

fuckcount <- t(t(table(unlist(strsplit(unlist(ftweets$matches), '\\s+')))))

write.csv(fuckcount, file = "fwords.csv")

About the Author

Kelsey Campbell


Kelsey is an Economist turned Data Scientist with a special interest in data visualization, text mining, and social justice. Genderfluid and determined to #SmashTheBinary, they constantly strive to be open and authentic with varying degrees of success. When not working or Gayta Science-ing, you can find them kickboxing, hiking, protesting, or cheering while their high school sweetheart kicks ass at roller derby. All pronouns are ok.

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